Christ and YE; YE ARE CHOSEN

Published on 11 July 2024 at 18:00

Jesus Christ is solely Lord.. How do we know this? 

  • Jesus is an allegorical fictional biblical representation of the science of the bible! KINDLE | PAPERBACK

  • Christ loved all things! Full of love! YEA! NO HATE! ONLY XoXo! (He kissed and hugged His friends) 

  • Jesus is one with the King! Because, He recognized through the scientific scriptural teachings that; HE AND GOD ARE ONE! 

  • YE ARE CHOSEN! WAKE UP and Integrate into the ONE; that way, the more there is JESUS, the less there is control! FREEDOM.

    • What is integration? Integration is the psychotherapy types (what I call God therapy) to rebecome your better self! It involves careful everyday thought along with health integrations to rebecome that amazing you! 
    • How do you integrate? YOU DECIDE! Every person is different and does things different! Prayer is important; watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing and the 'fake' Jesuses out there! Snipers too. 
    • How do I integrate! Carefully. Every second be on the guard of the evil lurking; remake things whole. Don't make old decisions that were wrong. Repent and most importantly, serve YOU!
      • wholly
      • purely
      • unconditionally lovingly
      • procreation
      • love
      • kindness
      •  FOR JESUS!

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