My Mission is to bring CHRIST, JESUS.. TO YOUR DOORSTEP!



TO BRING CHRIST n' HEAVEN!!! TO YOU!!!!! Books of loving natures! Horrific horrors will not be found on this site! Only ye who are pure of heart shall enter the kingdom. Let's be pure and holy and good and funny and (sexual) and procreate great things! Let's not shun our divine nature to birth! Flirting is fun! Arrogance is NOT! Cast it from ye and be like the cute cherabim and the sexy archangels! Be not proud! Only humble. Amen 

As of now, I am currently marketing ads out for revenues to support my website, my loving business, by promoting my beliefs founded off the works of Neville, Homer, Socrates, and the roman mythologies; generatlly that, thus spaking, Christ is the Lord, the rock, the truth. But it has a false meaning in the world we know it does and the Catholic Church I grew up in, ruined my health by its fear tactics; I, bleeding, barely alive thus spake: Christ is God. Amen. I barely came back, much sacrificing 8-10 hours of prayer and psychotherapy, going through extreme hell, to coming out before the ripe age of now | 34 years old.. the age of me now; to become an amazing man, to want to help change my world to you, to draw that drawbridge in remarkable golden bricks to paint Jerusalem now an to enter in tparadise now into eternity. Your Brother ~ Preston | Friend | Mentor | Helper | Sir and kindness at that, here to help pave the way for the truth to come and destroy the evil control of the world's evils | for us to enter into a much needed state of grace! For us to love forever, now and in between. To enter into harmonious relationship with God! Now! Now let the time sing and ring into the creativities of our God nature! That we are created in Christ Jesus' image! Jesus warned us from the 'principalities and power'! Fear not, I am also on this battleground against em; we are strong as much stronger because we are powerful; the enemy is not; the enemy is weak; the enemy is frail, arrogant, and wimpy! We are like divinity, DIVINE, powerful, cuddly, strong, and beautiful. Amen, you must know the truth as I am also for it; we are Christ here now, although sacrificed each one of us on the cross with a time of 'death'; you and I are alive again! And yea, with life in us now and forever! And yea, forever means always my brothers and sisters! Amen, like the sun reaches the moon, we can moon our enemies! YEa, we can be funny and cute and sexy! Yea, we can be the best at evertyhing and NEVER feel bad about it! Do so, Do it says the Lord Jesus! 'Shine your light from the heavens, Oh LORD!' Amen. Non-sexuality is as much a stain as too much sin. It's a curse; remove yourself from the control of ye; and ye shalt find yourself bathing in the oceans of amazing bliss and happiness! And yea, we can have money too in heaven! Prosperity is God! Constantly creatiing, He IS ALL! Ye are Him, She, She is Him He It. We are above Abraxas and and the demonics. We are above Krishna and the saints. For we are something that the world has to become now. God. Jesus. Devils leave! Divine, Amen! Divine love springs! Amen.