The importance of Writing and the Truth of Jesus

Published on 11 July 2024 at 20:35

For a long time, I never wrote after graduation ended and some college. But as I began to continue to write at a later date, with the help of psychotherapy techniques, some amazing things began to shift in my brain. I began to have higher states of awareness and energy; it helped me to understand ME.When ye write, and with your creativity it will unlock wonders when you do it based off what you really want to write about! In God's name, try to get into that focus state; if there are 'snipers' in your life right now, like an aggressive mother who wants to see your downfall (mine does), then you need to put up the necessary boundaries. And never, let, the, parasitic thought in! Ever. 

I'm not the best drawer in the world; but lately I have been creating better art; my brain loves it; it loves to create! 

I'm not into mathematics as much, for I am still needing to become that being I was in high school more; however, I now and recalling things how to do quadrants and co-sines; sines and trigonometry like when I was in high school! This is very important; the whole universe has math EVERYWHERE.

Let's do this problem (see below for diagram)

a (squared) + b (squared) = c (squared) in a right triangle; I know that it is a right triangle because it is 90 degrees. 60 degrees means that the opposite side is BIGGER than the 30 degree side which is (opposite of it, smaller).. Since i made up the numbers by what I thought could be correct, i do believe I have this math problem right.. a (squared) + 12 ft squared = 16 squared..  a= 10.583 ft.  rounded down. Amen. 


So let's do another problem, this time in logic... 

If there are no people in the world, yet there is me, and I am a person then? 

This is an if - then statement in common logic..

I am a person.. The sentence said there are no person(s) in the world. Therefor, this a fallacy.  


Let's do a problem solving problem: 

If there is a person with a duck,

the duck is black.

the person is white...

what color are they at night?

The duck is not black?

The person is not white?

Yea, they are the color of the night in thought! But the light is without.. So the duck is still black. And the person is still white.. But the illusion of night kept them from the truth of light and the light of truth is the importance thing! Watch out for the illusions in this world; don't delude yourself, be safe in the truth of Christ. Christ is not just white as snow; He is also the truth of the salvation plan! He is God. The duck is a symbolic representation of the evil of illusion mixed with false information and evil Sathanas fakeries and loco-ness. 


Problem 4

Jesus was God

God is not real (atheist)

Who really is the Christ?


Agnostics say that there is no God or that we can't prove there is one; however, God is in our minds. All men have minds. Therefor, mind is a matter of substance of the :

evils of the time

the good of the day

or the night of tomorrow


What do I mean? What do the atheists mean when they deny everything??

I am one with TRUTH! Truth is me; therefor, I am one with Christ. Atheism is a form of DOUBT.. Many (including other religious figures other than Jesus) have said that "ye shall know them by their fruits" or "that only evil comes from evil." DOUBT is an evil; therefore (logic says) doubt is an excessive compulsive disorder of mental illness of atheists OR DOUBTERS! Watch out for such people like a soldier on the battlefield watches out for the sniper locations; build up thy mental citadel and be on the lookout and form your own personal defenses from such people; many are up "HIGH" in positions of government; be careful; avoid! They will fall from 'grace' for our grace is with truth; we are not of fakist fascism. 


Problem 5

What if Christ is here? What if there is an ANTI-Christ that is also (here) | SOLVED

What to do?

Be clever! (my own Jesus quote) For they are like snakes in oil skins, wolves in sheep's clothing; their food is fake; their fruits is of the worms and bellies that never quinch the thirst | Ours is of righteous thought, good fruit, and ONLY WE shall inherit the kingdom of God. 

Step one; develop yourself

Step two; never stop, succeed; believe in Ye, belieeve in Christ; it's an never ending Christ symbolic circle of the infinite loop; it always succeeds ; Anti-Christ will be removed

Step three; know thyself, know thy enemy! Don't be fooled; we each have enemies and those enemies are those who bully. Even the greatest man ever had an enemy or two to five!

Step four; be not the arrow alone, band together with good people like minded loving individuals; do not sin; don't take thy own life; repent and ye shall be saved

Step five; believe in God's real timing | Your timing | YOU! 

Step six; develop abilities; don't waste time; repent and continue to grow; make the accrued income! Believe, prosper! be awesome!

Step seven; know what allegorical means...  Jesus is an allegorical representation of you and me | ONE WITH CHRIST | DIVINE; check out Neville's work here . (amazon) 

Step eight; enter heaven now; don't wait til the lie of 'having to die'.. it's possible, be chosen. More importantly CHOOSE! Red pill? or Blue pill? It can be easier than the movie thinks and more safe. MATRIX TRILOGY: here

Remember, I am only giving you my opinion; you know better for you.. Trust ye, and trust in the Lord in Ye that ye are! 




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